CAL THOMAS For release: 03/01/22 Beckel and me: An odd couple By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency As often happens among the political class in Washington, we met on television debating each other. I liked him immediately, despite our political and even religious differences. Bob Beckel and I became friends and eventually more than friends.…
Read MoreMayor Adams is half right By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency It is usually Republicans who blast the media for what they consider biased or unfair coverage of their policies, but increasingly we are hearing Democrats engaging in the same behavior, apparently frustrated their agenda is not being embraced by some of their fellow Democrats…
Read MoreDirty tricks: The sequel By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency “Dirty tricks” was a term used to describe the behavior of operatives within the Nixon administration to smear the reputations of opponents and undermine the appeal of certain politicians. Fifty years ago, these dirty tricks included a false allegation that Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson (D-Wash.)…
Read MoreThe Republican opportunity By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency The Virginia election of Republican Glenn Youngkin and Winsome Sears as governor and lieutenant governor, respectively, provides a great opportunity for the GOP if they will seize the moment and expand on it. Youngkin and Sears exploited the legitimate fear many parents have in Virginia and…
Read MoreThe power to ignore By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Once in TV journalism there were people called assignment editors and news directors. Among their responsibilities was to instruct reporters and camera crews which stories they were to cover that day. Their choices were based on several factors that included what they regarded as news,…
Read MoreCAL THOMAS For release: 02/08/22 The real cause behind the rise in crime By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency While President Biden and local officials keep talking about causes for the rise in crime in our major cities, proposing “solutions” that have failed in the past, like former President Bill Clinton’s Midnight Basketball idea, the…
Read MoreA deal with the devil By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Former President Donald Trump has further – if that’s possible – undistinguished himself by again attacking his vice president, Mike Pence. In another of his ongoing email messages to supporters (which are usually accompanied by a donate button), Trump says he wanted Pence to…
Read MoreA deal with the devil By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Former President Donald Trump has further – if that’s possible – undistinguished himself by again attacking his vice president, Mike Pence. In another of his ongoing email messages to supporters (which are usually accompanied by a donate button), Trump says he wanted Pence to…
Read MoreCrime and a widow’s eloquence By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Trust in government has been declining since the administration of President Lyndon Johnson. According to Pew Research, only 36 percent of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents and 9 percent of Republicans and those leaning Republican now trust government. Who can blame them given the failure…
Read MoreForget bipartisanship By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency In certain circles — but not on cable networks or in fundraising letters — one continues to hear talk about bipartisanship and “reaching across the aisle.” It sounds good and people who use the phrase probably feel better about themselves, but I wish to propose an alternative:…
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