

By Cal Thomas / September 30, 2020 / Comments Off on INCIVILITY IN DEPATE #1

Debate #1: Advantage none By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency I had initially thought of Tuesday night’s first presidential debate as the equivalent of a heavyweight boxing match, something like the classic fights between Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali in the 1970s. Instead it was less a “thrilla in Manila” or a “rumble in the…

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If I were Questioning Joe

By Cal Thomas / September 28, 2020 / Comments Off on If I were Questioning Joe

My questions for Joe Biden By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made himself largely unavailable to questions from reporters since before his nomination. In contrast, President Trump has made himself available numerous times per day to reporters and their often hostile and confrontational questions. This is why the moderator…

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Anchorage Away!

By Cal Thomas / September 25, 2020 / Comments Off on Anchorage Away!

Alaska’s governor on the virus and the election By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency ANCHORAGE — From the moment Gov. Mike Dunleavy, a Republican, was made aware of the threat of COVID-19, he acted faster than most other states and the federal government. In an interview, I asked him why he moved so quickly when…

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By Cal Thomas / September 21, 2020 / Comments Off on RBG/Conservatives

The conservative moment By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency The passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg gives conservatives and Republicans what they claim to have wanted since judicial activism became the norm in the 1960s. From outlawing prayer and Bible reading in public schools, to the infamous Roe vs Wade decision, which legalized…

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By Cal Thomas / September 21, 2020 / Comments Off on Woodward/Trump

Woodward rides again By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency On hearing that President Trump sat for 18 interviews with Bob Woodward of The Washington Post my first reaction was “what the…” Why Woodward? There can only be two reasons. The first must have been that the president thought he could persuade the man to like…

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By Cal Thomas / September 21, 2020 / Comments Off on MAD!

Why so much anger? By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency There was a time in America, unknown or not experienced by people under the age of 50, when politics was a contact sport played with mostly accepted rules and the equivalent of “sportsmanship.” Losers would graciously concede and wish the victor well, in most cases…

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From Anchorage

By Cal Thomas / September 21, 2020 / Comments Off on From Anchorage

Alaska’s governor on the virus and the election By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency ANCHORAGE — From the moment Gov. Mike Dunleavy, a Republican, was made aware of the threat of COVID-19, he acted faster than most other states and the federal government. In an interview, I asked him why he moved so quickly when…

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Conspiracy or Group Think?

By Cal Thomas / September 8, 2020 / Comments Off on Conspiracy or Group Think?

The Anti-Trump conspiracy By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency The cable networks, including Fox News, could talk of little else Labor Day weekend but the Atlantic magazine piece by Jeffrey Goldberg alleging President Trump had said Americans who have died in wars are “losers” and “suckers.” The comments allegedly were made two years ago during…

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Debt, Debt and more Debt

By Cal Thomas / September 4, 2020 / Comments Off on Debt, Debt and more Debt

Another day older and deeper in debt By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reports the American government will soon reach a debt level equaling its entire gross domestic product. It will be the largest since 1945, the year World War II ended. The pandemic is partially responsible, but it is…

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The Conventions

By Cal Thomas / August 31, 2020 / Comments Off on The Conventions
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