
Thanksgiving 2020

By Cal Thomas / November 25, 2020 / Comments Off on Thanksgiving 2020

CAL THOMAS For release: 11/26/20 (NOTICE: For retransmission or other content delivery inquiries, please contact TCA Customer Service, 1-800-346-8798, [email protected].) A most unusual Thanksgiving By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency I have loved song lyrics since briefly flirting in my teens and early 20s with a career in musical comedy, settling instead for journalism after…

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Trump’s Case Unraveling

By Cal Thomas / November 23, 2020 / Comments Off on Trump’s Case Unraveling

The unraveling of Trump’s case By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency The Trump legal team’s move over the weekend to distance itself from attorney Sidney Powell as it seeks to overturn the November 3 election results is a major blow to the president’s attempt to win a second term. Powell, whose 2014 book, “Licensed to…

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Alito and Liberty

By Cal Thomas / November 18, 2020 / Comments Off on Alito and Liberty

Justice Alito and warning signs By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Everywhere one looks there are warning signs, from labels on cigarette packs warning that smoking causes cancer, to ridiculous labels on thermometers that read, “Once used rectally, the thermometer should not be used orally.” Associate Justice Samuel Alito has delivered some serious warnings that…

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By Cal Thomas / November 17, 2020 / Comments Off on

Justice Alito and warning signs By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Everywhere one looks there are warning signs, from labels on cigarette packs warning that smoking causes cancer, to ridiculous labels on thermometers that read, “Once used rectally, the thermometer should not be used orally.” Associate Justice Samuel Alito has delivered some serious warnings that…

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By Cal Thomas / November 16, 2020 / Comments Off on

Who needs faith advisers? By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency If I am deficient in my knowledge about chemistry, or a medical issue, or what kind of car to buy, I consult people who know more than I do on these subjects. When it comes to faith, though, I can handle that with a little…

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Christians and Politics (Again)

By Cal Thomas / November 10, 2020 / Comments Off on Christians and Politics (Again)

Where should evangelicals go now? By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Evangelical Christians have unquestionably been a loyal and largely unmovable base of support for President Trump since he has been in office and in some cases before. Should the election results not be overturned by recounts or court decisions, where do they go and…

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Still Divided Nation

By Cal Thomas / November 9, 2020 / Comments Off on Still Divided Nation

Bipolar America By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency If Joe Biden survives recounts and several lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign into what Trump says has been widespread vote-counting fraud (we await proof), do not expect him to be hounded over his and Hunter Biden’s business ties to China and Ukraine as President Trump has…

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The Election

By Cal Thomas / November 4, 2020 / Comments Off on The Election

Wrong again By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency The pollsters got it wrong again. Some claimed going into Tuesday’s election that Joe Biden had an unbeatable margin of 17 points in some states. Pundits claimed Republicans would lose between five and 15 seats in the House. It appears they’ve picked up a few. And because…

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The Choice 2020

By Cal Thomas / November 2, 2020 / Comments Off on The Choice 2020

The choice 2020 By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Every four years this columnist writes about the stark choice between the candidates for president (and vice president) and their views on how the country should be run. Every election is declared “the most important in history.” This year it might prove true. Were it not…

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“60 Minutes” Failed to Ask Right Questions

By Cal Thomas / October 27, 2020 / Comments Off on “60 Minutes” Failed to Ask Right Questions

Unasked questions on ‘60 Minutes’ By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency The “60 Minutes” interviews of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates last Sunday were more revealing for questions not asked and for sidestepping than for what inquiring minds really want to know prior to Election Day. First, there was the presumption that government has all…

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