

By Cal Thomas / March 31, 2020 / Comments Off on ARE THE MEDIA WORTH SAVING?

Save the media! By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency I confess to a certain self-interest in today’s column. The media, especially newspapers, are in trouble. Conservatives like myself have been relentless in attacking their collective bias over the years, but as more of them fold or reduce staff, it is crucial the institution be saved.…

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Debt Upon Debt

By Cal Thomas / March 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Debt Upon Debt

The dark hole of debt By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency It is not cognitive dissonance — the impossibility of holding two or more contradictory beliefs simultaneously — to favor the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill passed by Congress and signed by President Trump while at the same time worrying about what the increasingnational debt (nearing $24 trillion…

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By Cal Thomas / March 24, 2020 / Comments Off on CALLING DAN QUAYLE

Whatever became of Dan Quayle? By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency He was the 44th vice president of the United States in the George H.W. Bush administration, but for the last 20 years, Dan Quayle has stayed mostly away from the unfriendly glare of political life. I called him to get his thoughts on the…

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China and the Virus

By Cal Thomas / March 24, 2020 / Comments Off on China and the Virus

A lesson from coronavirus By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency If anything good can come from the coronavirus pandemic, it is the revelation of America’s overreliance on China, especially when it comes to drugs. Interviewed by NBC News, retired Brigadier General John Adams said, “Basically, we’ve outsourced our entire industry to China. That is a…

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Virus Presents An Opportunity

By Cal Thomas / March 17, 2020 / Comments Off on Virus Presents An Opportunity

The virus and what matters most By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Some years ago, I wrote a book titled “The Things That Matter Most.” It was a critique of the continuing impact the ’60s generation has had on the country. The coronavirus pandemic, too, offers us an opportunity to consider what matters most in…

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Panic or Not?

By Cal Thomas / March 16, 2020 / Comments Off on Panic or Not?

The virus, the media and the economy By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency A friend tweeted from Ireland (in time for St. Patrick’s Day), blaming President Trump for the major decline in the value of stocks. This same friend credited Barack Obama’s economic policies when the Dow Jones Industrial Averages approached 30,000. This — and…

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Shame on Schumer

By pwsadmin / March 6, 2020 / Comments Off on Shame on Schumer

The shame of Chuck Schumer By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency Just when you may have thought that the low quality of political rhetoric in Washington could not get any worse, along comes Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to prove otherwise. At a pro-choice demonstration outside the Supreme Court, which is considering a Louisiana…

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A Faustian Bargain

By Cal Thomas / March 5, 2020 / Comments Off on A Faustian Bargain

Bargaining with the Taliban devil By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency President Trump was rightly critical of the deal struck with Cuba during the Obama administration when he said the communist Cuban government got everything they wanted, and the U.S. got nothing in exchange. He has thankfully been reversing some of those unilateral concessions. Let’s…

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All In Same Boat With Virus

By Cal Thomas / March 3, 2020 / Comments Off on All In Same Boat With Virus

We’re all in this together By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency There is a disease going around, and I’m not talking only about the coronavirus. It’s a political disease, and it seems to be spreading, especially among certain politicians who are looking for another way to expel President Trump from office.  Last week on the…

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Russia’s Second Coming

By Cal Thomas / February 24, 2020 / Comments Off on Russia’s Second Coming

The Russians are coming (again) By Cal Thomas Tribune Content Agency The Russians are like the devil. Each gets blamed (or credited) with more than they are responsible for. Intelligence officials recently went to Capitol Hill where, according to The Hill, “they briefed the House Intelligence Committee about Russia interfering in the presidential race in…

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